Thursday, April 23, 2015

My oservations from dating

Girls SEEM more heartless from a guy's perspective because men want sex and women mostly want relationships. Even girls who are slutty and act like men still want relationships deep down. Or if they don't then they used to, or they're just so warped and twisted that they don't care anymore. Which happens, but I digress.

Girls seem heartless because they view sex in a different way than men do. To them it's more emotionally attached as opposed to physical. That's nature's way of making sure we don't just all screw each other all the time. Because if you left it up to a man's sex drive, we all would. But that's not a knock against men necessarily, which is where a lot of girls get confused. They think men are pigs and stupid jerks because we often think with our sexual member and not our emotional attachents like they do. But the truth is is that men want relationships too, and we have emotions too, but our sex drive is different than yours. Men are driven by a strong physical urge to have sex, and it's mostly physical in nature. Meaning men are very visual, and women are very sexy visually to us. Men are too to women, but for them to want to have sex they need to be stimulated in their brain, and their emotions. And often it's difficult to do that unless you have a relationships with them. This is basically the science behind the problems between genders.

This is also, in my opinion, the major reason many women have a deep seeded resentment towards males in general and learn to act so jaded and play so many games with men. It's nature's way of ensuring furtherance of the race. But since men are getting smarter and smarter and are learning how to attract women it's not going so good imo. Facts to back up that statement are the divorce rate, which the last time I checked was around 70%.

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