Sunday, February 9, 2014

Modern Mysandry in the Western World

1. So many women are completely delusional when it comes to their gender roles in society. They view men as a means to an end, generally a means to a bank account and the ideals that the male is provider of EVERYTHING in the relationship including emotional and mental stability. This is extreme yes, that's the point, and this distorted radical feminist idealism just backs up this ridiculousness and reinforces the delusion that women aren't just equal, they are superior to men. I believe this is psychologically inbred by many families within the western world. These extreme ideals are reinforced by parents, society, and modern entertainment outlets such as music, movies, and popular culture.  The hyper focus on how women feel and function within relationshps and general society leads to subtle mysandry that we simple haven't address because there is little to no focus on it at all. I believe that's the point to it. To hide it under a guise of reverse psychology in order to achieve its means. Sort of like a continuous false flag. A wonderful ongoing lie that we shrug off and just dismiss as being "woman."Unfortunately for men, our emotions are something that don't get addressed generally in outward society. Rather they are pent up, built up, hidden, shamed, and eventually mocked. Therefore we are viewed to be stoic, emotionless creatures, when the opposite is actually true, and if we do act emotional or sprout a feeling now and then we're either gay or not in control of our situation, as if being vulnerable and emotional are not "manly" traits. Subsequently having emotions is now viewed as wrong, or unconfident, therefore not how a man should act in this society. These type of subtle social mores are being promoted in all of our media, television programs, music, and movies. That is our popular culture.

In our capitalist society a pretty woman is valued much higher than an average female, and she is supposed to get what she wants all of the time and if she doesn't then someone else is wrong, usually a man, i.e. bad boyfriend or daddy. But the focus is not aimed at her inward attitude and behavior, rather towards outward "enemies" to her self perceived entitlement to whatever she wants. A man is almost always to blame for the mishaps or shortcomings in a woman's life and often these women take out their frustration on men who they see as easy targets through their manipulation, mind games, and subtleties. A woman with power is supposed to control all situations in her life, and if she doesn't like a certain situation she can dispel it so to speak, and change the course of everything related to that moment simply because she says so. This is the radical feminist ideal that has been building in western society since the 1970's.

Many men are so beaten down by this aspect of society and women, that we often find we have no respected voice and are completely helpless to a female in many social situations. I've seen many men in this state and I've been in this state myself, and it's sad. A man needs to feel self worth through the eyes of a female and our women are know that and use it to their advantage by keeping us down on ourselves through subversive psychology tactics. This allows women to vicariously climb the ladder of male success using sex as their innermost weapon. We have a reversal of psychology which translates into women owning many social and financial situations through subtle vicariousness using sex, and that boils down to the phrase 'the power of pussy.' Women are adept at using a man's sex drive to exploit his bank account and rendering him a tool for their whims. I would go so far as to say this behavior is promoted and rewarded in pop culture We see this continuously with women who chase rich, famous, and successful men only to use them for their money and benefits and eventually discard them. They can do this because of the biological 'chase' when men seek after a woman. This is the crux of their exploitation. Without the male sex drive, these type of manipulative women have no power.

Today, money is so largely tied into mating and relationships in western culture that it's at sick and epidemic proportions. The dangerous subtely here is that it becomes a way of life and we start to use gender role specifics such as the man being the bread winner and being well off, and this leads into him being able to attain a pretty female. This is a dumbing down of humanity and propriety and if we aren't careful could lead to very unhealthy absolutes, and in my opinion already has. This effects everything with regards to how men and women enter relationships, date, make love, view sex, and even procreate. They are all linked to one another, they have to be. This will drastically affect future generations because as children see their parents do and act, they themselves will one day do and act in a similar fashion when they are old enough.

It's fairly obvious that women use this perceived power to their advantage in any situation they can. Yet the opposition to this truth is the propoganda that keeps women in a special class of the human race and men in a lower class. A general example of this is seen in male chivalry ideals. These ideals place more worth on women and children than a male. These type of reverse pychology tactics are aimed at what we view is proper behavior in society and within relationships and as it is, they highly benefit women and throw men under the bus, particularly when it comes to domestic matters. From dating, to work, to parenting, many women find any kind of pull or leverage they can in these situations and exploit old behavior such as the male dominance we saw in the 1950's. The pendulum of perceived power and control has shifted through the weight and importance of sex. This kind of psychological handicap puts men at a disadvantage below women in a crass capitalist culture. A smart woman, with a great deal of sexuality could easily become a millionaire in a year if she played her cards right. But it's not just money that is being frauded here, it's social pull, and many other situations where a woman can take advantage.

So women play both sides of the coin to exploit special treatment and all the benefits that come as societies golden child, so to speak. Women want supposed equality, but they also want special treatment. Their hide under the guise of victimization in order to achieve a psychological special class. The sad part is, they are succeeding. But who really loses here? What's the divorce rate now? We all lose, our children, society, finances, our morality, etc. etc.

2. The truth is that in western society feminism is distorted in reality and has boiled down to a passive aggressive power struggle. This translates into female sexual dominance using sex and female sexuality as bait to trap men into subservience. For instance, rape is often mentioned as a reason for how women can flaunt their nearly naked bodies in public and on the internet with little to no shame. A woman doesn't want to be told what to do with her body, yet at the same time she wants respect for her body, EVEN IF she throws it around improperly and in the most non classy manner. This is what we call a double standard. This is a type of reverse psychology that allow the ugliness of unclothing yourself to the general public while simultaneously taking away any shame involved in that, and subsequently playing into stereotypes that society has for women, such as sluts and loose behavior.

You just can't have it both ways. It's now normal for nearly naked women to adorn billboards, star in commercials, movies and music videos, and also to simply walk the streets showing off their goods. And yet despite this lewd behavior women still expect and demand respect from men and society. And if men and society don't give it to them then the man is considered a misogynist or an abuser and I wouldn't be surprised if he was accused of rape for feeling this way or at the least seriously berated for "not respecting women's rights."  This type of thing is erratic and dangerous. The lines are now blurred, a clear feminist leadership or understandably detailed women's rights campaign isn't being implemented. People are simply ignoring any study related to the subject of feminism and women's rights, and what we have today is a mutation of those rights that as is broad and multifaceted as it is ridiculous.

The distortion and exploitation of women's right has its gotten out of hand, particularly these last few decades with the opportunity for opulence and extremely radical opportunities for higher level living with the rise of the industrial revolution and modern amenities. This affords for the average ideal for a woman to now be rich and live lavish. In fact, this is the goal! Divorcees on some kind of housewives show, getting extremely famous and rich for having a sex video out and dating black superstars. These are all practical examples of the distortion in modern female social behavior. How often have you heard a female say a guy was "too poor" to date. Probably all the time right? This belies the conditioning that young women are being subject to. The idea that some women want power and money is in actuality realized practically in these types of behavior. The sick thing is I've never even heard a woman propose that she wanted equality in anything, let alone marriage. Women don't even want to get married anymore! But I hear time and time again, in no exact words, rather attitudes and behaviors, that women want to rule. (Don't listen to a person's words, rather their actions to determine their true character).

To my knowledge, gender equality is a given in western society. In practice, women are generally viewed as equals in school, work, and relationships. But the overpowering of the female presence is being seen so subtly in all of these situations and institutions.

3. I feel like whatever is perpetuated in practice is what will be classified as the source. So if women are about power, greed, lust, money, etc. and in reality and practice they don't care about equality or love, or any such kind of fairness, then they SHOULD be pegged as tyrants. Yet because of man shaming and the subtle mysandry that we see every day in our culture, they are not allowed to be called what they truly are, as that would make a man an abuser. Do you see where I am going here?

I'm using the example of dating because I've been in the dating game for the last five years. I'll say it's VERY rare for a woman to care about equality when it comes to finding a proposed mate. Actually most women I've met aren't even long term relationship minded. They fill up the crass, American microwave culture, that says they want everything RIGHT NOW. Female behavior is matriarchal at this point, and is also very rogue and even conquering. Almost as if women have flipped gender role specifics and exploited their new found opportunities for their own gain.

 What I see in society today is a mutated form of feminism that boils down to a power struggle that is enacted selfishly through sexual means. Women of my age, and generation use sex as a tool to get what they want, and men have allowed this to happen.

I believe that the current state of how men and woman treat each other and act around each other is not good for anyone, especially the children of our next generation. The materialistic and empty values that consumption and capitalism promotes are tied into these radical ideals, very much so. It has become normal for the majority of women to follow a selfish, narcissistic leader or archetypal female that is strong, sexually deceptive, highly sexual, unattainable, powerful, and of course beautiful. I do believe this is what the majority of young females aspire to be like. Look at popular music and how debasing it is for a female. She shows no signs of grace, civility, or propriety. Rather she's transmorphed herself into a conquering sexual best. Look at Lady Gaga, Madonna, Rihanna, Katty Perry, to name a few. They are all identified with their loose sexuality as perceived as power, rather than any character traits of goodness, motherliness, or even basic ethica propreity. If a large female role in society is to be a mother, then where does this leave women if they follow this archetypal example? a state of perpetual sexuality.....that is, as long as it lasts. As long as the good looks last.

But bottom line, the female role is totally warped and distorted. I'll bet you'd be hard pressed to ask twenty females what their real role as a women in culture and society really is. You'd probably get twenty different answers. Which shows how the paradigm of priorities has shifted from loveing, supportive home maker to sexual politician. The gender roles and expectations are truly warped and saad. It went from the hope for equality to something sick, twisted, and dangerous.

We really have no genuine female representatives. At least none that I see, that are clearly an example of patriots for a properly outlined example of equality. Possibly women don't care anymore as they've seemingly been offered something much better than equality- power.

You can't call the ideology which allows this commercialization of the female body and purpose "radical", the people you call "radical" occupy tenured professorships in high ranking institutions, political office, and are driving public policy -- advocating no prison for woman murderers, banning paternity tests necessary to detect paternity fraud, killing needed alimony and child support reforms and re-authorizing sexist laws like VAWA.  So no, they're not radical, they're normal feminists  (as in female supremacists) who have convinced a lot of humanists to claim a faux and subtle feminism and grant legitimacy to their rabid defense of a blatant a mysandrist legal system with the obvious ulterior motive of "punishing" men collectively for the hyperbolic and apocryphal slights of the "patriarchy" taught to them by a distorted social feminist ideal.